<aside> 🗣 Note: you can delete all the yellow boxes when you don’t want them anymore, they’re just to orient you!

This home page has linked databases and then some links out to other pages for easy access.

First is “Today’s things you have to do” - It is filtered to show your Brain Dump filtered by Due date - Today and earlier


Today's things you have to do


<aside> 🗣 “Add it to the list” is the Brain Dump filtered to show your “Inbox” items - aka things you added to your Brain Dump but haven’t categorized yet. They’ll be in this list until you add properties - the one it is filtered on is “Status” = Inbox. Change it to To Do/Doing/Done when you add the properties and other things about it.


Add it to the list


<aside> 🗣 The Habit Tracker filter is for today’s date.


Today's things you should do


<aside> 🗣 The Cleaning filter is for this week so you can work ahead if you’d like.


This week’s things you should clean


<aside> 🗣 Below are two call out boxes with links out to other databases, or filtered views of databases. Just helps me keep things sorted, and lets me link quickly to spots that I don’t SHOW on my Home Base. The less used areas, kind of.


<aside> 🗣 Task Lists

Brain Dump Template

Inbox Template

Work Tasks Template

Life Tasks Template

Habit Tracker Template


<aside> 🗣 Life Things

Watch List Template

Packing Template

Cleaning Template
